How to Lose a Guys Interest on the First Date


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Have you ever been on a great first date with a man, only to have him never call again? When you reflected on the date, did everything seem fine, and you just can’t figure out why he wouldn’t bother calling? Is he just a jerk? Unfortunately, ladies, it might be something you said or did during that first date! Below are several of the top ways women ruin their chances for a second date with a man. Learn what to avoid saying and doing in order to increase your success on a first date!

Talk About Your Previous Relationships

No one wants to hear about your ex. Talking about a prior relationship could make your date insecure or just plain annoyed. In addition, if you talk about your ex with your current date, he might mistakenly believe you are still interested in your ex.

Get Drunk

Nothing is more of a turn-off than a woman who gets drunk on a first date. Make sure you don’t have more than one or two drinks, and keep yourself in control at all times.

Answer Your Phone and Text During Your Date

One of the rudest things you can do on a date is answer phone calls and texts. This sends a message to your date that you don’t really want to be there with him. If you must text your BFF with an update of the evening, do so discreetly in the ladies room. And, of course, remember to shut your ringer off: nothing’s more annoying than a cell phone ringing every five minutes.

Make Sure You Always Steer the Conversation Back to Yourself

I’m sure he’s absolutely fascinated to hear you rave about the shenanigans of your best friend’s cousin’s grandmother’s cat. But: he probably wants to tell you about himself, too. If you notice the conversation keeps centering on you, make sure to ask him questions about himself. You should also make sure you’re not constantly interrupting him: let him get some talk time in too!

Show Up Late

If you know it takes you an hour and a half to get ready for the date, don’t start getting ready an hour beforehand! Make sure you allow enough extra time in your schedule for those little emergencies. If you’re meeting at a location, make sure you get good directions so you don’t get lost. No man wants to be kept waiting.

Spend the Night at His Place

Sorry, ladies, but this one is still true. Don’t sleep with him on the first date. Chances are, if you do so, you’ve crossed out of “date” territory and into booty-call territory. There’s little chance of becoming boyfriend-girlfriend and having a healthy relationship at this point.

Wear Something Revealing

Keep it classy, ladies. If you’re just looking for some action, then by all means show as much skin as possible. But if you’re looking for an actual relationship, wear something tasteful. Remember, first dates are all about making good impressions. You want to get him thinking that you are someone he can take home to his parents. Dressing too provocatively won’t convey this message. Rather, it will convey the message that you’re easy, don’t respect yourself, and that he shouldn’t respect you either.